Sasol Mining (Pty) Ltd v CCMA (JR 2170/11) [2015] ZALCJHB 167 (26 May 2015) per Lallie J.
The Labour Court on review set aside a reinstatement award and upheld the dismissal. The employee breached safety procedures designed to protect employees and property. He was not the only artisan on duty. Exposing employees to the risk of injury and fatality is inexcusable when one is responsible to protect them. The conduct also exposed the property to the risk of damage and lost production. A cue needs to be taken from the approach towards theft at the workplace and unauthorised possession of property. It is not tolerated and justifies dismissal of employees with years of unblemished service. Safety of employees deserves more protection.
(2015) ILJ 2359; [2015] JOL 34430 (LC)