“In my opinion a Court should be wary of allowing the sharp outlines of these two established branches of the law of unlawful competition [copyright and passing off] evolved through long experience, to be fudged by allowing a vague penumbra around the outline. Unlawful competition should not be added as a ragbag and often forlorn final alternative to every trade mark, copyright, design or passing off action. In most such cases it is one of the established categories or nothing”.
Berger AJ in Moneyweb (Pty) Ltd v Media 24 Ltd (31575/2013) [2016] ZAGPJHC 81 (5 May 2016) at para 134 quoting Schutz JA in Payen Components SA Ltd v Bovic Gaskets CC (448/93) [1995] ZASCA 57; 1995 (4) SA 441 (AD); [1995] 2 All SA 600 (A) (25 May 1995).