According to a report in the Mail & Guardian on 17 July 2015 officials in the Department of Labour are being forced to pay thousands in legal fees for refusing to bow to ‘political’ pressure and withdraw an application to the Labour Court to have Ceppwawu placed under administration, more particularly for failing to submit audited financial statements for more than three years, as required by the Labour Relations Act.
See the following report based on the reporting by Matuma Letsoalo and Qaanitah Hunter and which was first published in the Mail & Guardian on 17 July 2015 :
Labour officials told to cough up for defying minister
And the report on SA Labour News
Officials who defied labour minister in pursuing Ceppwawu court application to bear the legal costs
See also earlier posts on GilesFiles
Trade union: application for administration posted on 15 May 2015
Prescribed debt: award prescribes after 3 years posted on 17 October 2014
Natasha Marrian reported on 22 July 2015 in BD Live that two labour federations have written to Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa complaining about political interference by Labour Minister Mildred Oliphant in the work of the registrar of labour.
Ms Oliphant faces possible legal action after she moved to halt placing the Congress of South African Trade Unions-aligned (Cosatu-aligned) chemicals union, Ceppwawu, under administration.
See Labour federations denounce minister
According to a report by Natasha Marrian today in BDLive the Labour Department has stripped its registrar, Johan Crouse, of his title with immediate effect on the grounds of gross insubordination. Read the full report: Labour sidelines registrar over court action.
Natasha Marrian’s report Ousted labour registrar Johan Crouse takes department to court first appeared in BDLive today.