Without knowing all the details it does seem as if the parties have been willing to compromise.
Alistair Anderson’s report Labour legislation amendments ‘reflect compromises’ first appeared in BDlive on 16 August 2012 and these extracts only provide a glimpse of what is contained in the full report which should be read by clicking on the link or going to BDlive itself.
“THE final version of the long-awaited amendment bills to the country’s labour legislation are expected to be less controversial than the original proposals, and reflect compromises by interested parties when they become law in about two months, according to business commentator Jonathan Goldberg.”
“Mr Goldberg, who negotiated the bills at the National Economic Development and Labour Council (Nedlac), said yesterday the bills were likely to lose many of their controversial clauses because arguments in Parliament showed they could cause havoc to the economy.”
“The basic conditions of employment and labour relations amendment bills have been in Parliament for a few weeks. The other two bills have been signed off by Nedlac and are with the Cabinet. Mr Goldberg said he foresaw all four bills becoming law by the end of the year.”