Allowed appeal from LAC (Zondo JP, Patel JA and Sangoni AJA) – LRA s 62(3A)(a) & (b) – set aside an SALGA award dated 17/11/2005 (GMD080511) dealing with an alleged dismissal dispute – if parties refer a demarcation dispute for determination to the CCMA they must await the outcome – the bargaining council lacks jurisidiction to arbitrate in those circumstances.
Johannesburg City Parks v Mphalani NO (SAMWU) (SCA344/10) [GF8629] [2012] 1 BLLR 1; (2011) 32 ILJ 1847 (SCA) per Bosielo JA et al
Allowed appeal from LAC (Zondo JP, Patel JA and Sangoni AJA) – LRA s 62(3A)(a) & (b) – set aside an SALGA award dated 17/11/2005 (GMD080511) dealing with an alleged dismissal dispute – if parties refer a demarcation dispute for determination to the CCMA they must await the outcome – the bargaining council lacks jurisidiction to arbitrate in those circumstances.