“SOCIAL partners within the National Economic Development and Labour Council (Nedlac) on Saturday agreed to jointly appoint a panel of experts to report on a proposed threshold for the minimum wage, Nedlac said on Sunday. With business and labour having moved closer on the proposed wage, agreement was reached to have the team report back within 70 days of the panel having been constituted. According to a statement by Nedlac management, Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa — who is heading the broader discussion — had taken “a lot of encouragement out of this process”, expressing confidence that an appropriate level and process would be agreed on soon”.
Nedlac partners ask experts to report on proposed minimum wage: Karl Gernetsky in BDlive on 27 June 2016 published by Business Day.
Introduce national minimum wage and create commission
“The Advisory Panel believes that an initial level of R3,500 per month or R20 per hour is the best level for minimising the danger of job losses while at the same time maximising the potential to pull people out of poverty. The Panel has recommended a number of additional issues be considered in the future to complement the intention of the national minimum wage initiative”.
A National Minimum Wage for South Africa: Final Draft of Recommendation on policy and implementation : National Minimum Wage Panel Report to the Deputy President